Thursday, March 13, 2008

Woof woof

There are all types of men out there. And many women would say that most of them are dogs. I can agree to a certain extent, but a good man was trained by his mama to respect women and you shall receive respect in return.

Unfortunately for the men out there who like to “pee” on everything and act like dogs, you give the good man a bad name.

Every man should know what type of man he is. It is only fair to him and the woman/women he is dealing with. For instance:

If you are a man who likes to sleep with many women, knock yourself out. But be forewarned you should ALWAYS wear a condom and also do not lead a woman on. If you are saying one thing, then get the goods and act a different way after that, that makes you an asshole and one day you will do such a thing to a crazy girl and she will, I don’t know, key your car? Slash your tires? Poke holes in your condom? These things may sound crazy but I know women who have definitely done them. I am not saying that these things are okay but if they happen to you because you were a deceitful person I don’t feel bad for you. Karma is a bitch, don’t fuck with her.
Lets say your just screwing your way through life, one chic after the next and again, not being forthcoming and honest and then you meet her. She’s the one; she’s hot, funny, smart, makes good money. You are totally gaga over her and now what- she decides to play you. Maybe she doesn’t want anything to do with you because you are not physically her type, maybe you were bad in bed, maybe she decided your brother was cuter and bangs him? Oh I forgot to tell you, you fucked with her cousin “Karma,” and she said haha, paybacks a bitch.

Now to all the good men out there- because you do exist. I know many of you, I must say THANK YOU for being honest. Thank you for being explicit in your intentions. In this life you reap what you sew and that is a fact. The universe has a funny way of showing you yourself and the error of your ways, so if you honestly have the best intentions and are true of heart, I tip my hat. Please teach your sons, brothers, and friends the importance of respecting women.


Alicia said...

I agree, There is still hope for the male and female population. If we just be real with each other, many great things can come out of it, and many less people would get hurt.

Anonymous said...


Yes, good men do exist. I believe in you. I have met you. I have had a good relationship with you. Thank you to all the good men out there.

Now for all you losers and jerk-offs because, unfortunately, most women come across more of you than the good ones - GROW THE HELL UP and have some integrity. Have some pride in your actions. And start respecting yourselves and us women. Your actions display your character, and although you dogs may not care how you come across just know that the universe has its way of correcting things and she is making her way over to you.

Judgment day is a bitch. And she is coming your way to set you straight. If you are going to have confidence in anything, let it be that.

Until then and going forward, just be honest. If you wish to sleep around and date multiple women, then say so. You'd be surprised at how receptive women are to truth and honesty. Try it one day and you'll see. Cruel intentions will only circle right back around and smack you right in the middle of your face.

Unknown said...

Two snapps up on that, and yes to all you woof woofs out there, Yo Momma!.... should be smacked up-side the head for raising you like this, and one day, you'll be fat, bald, old, and lonely having to pay for company if you ain't too careful.