Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beauty Sin of the Week: Lace in your face

Generally I don’t mind leggings themselves as long as you wear them correctly. They should always be flattering to your figure and complement your outfit. But the lace thing has never flown with me. I cannot believe that I just saw 3 people wearing them today and it makes me a little sad. They are not only not that cute, they are played out. Put them away; use them to work out (but cut the lace off) wear them under jeans when it’s cold but stop wearing them!! Don’t be a fashion victim! Just because they are in your neighborhood Rainbows does not mean you should pick up a pair.

Welcome to 2008 people! Leggings with the lace came back about 2-3 years ago. I was horrified when I saw them then, and am even more so now. Yes they were the hot shit back in the 80’s but we should remember that the 80’s was 20 years ago and some trends should be left to die (shoulder pads anyone?).

I don’t know what it is about these lacy leggings but they are just not cute on anyone. Unless of course you are a 3 year old. Perhaps its because they look dated and become the uncute focal point of an outfit. Its that damn lace it tell you! Ladies do yourselves a favor and step away from this fashion faux pas. Rest assured if I am thinking this there has to be other women thinking the same thing. If someone on the train is checking you out in these things its not because it looks super cute, they are probably thinking the same thing I am:

Let it go. . . . . . .


Jason Clinkscales said...

I know this is more for the ladies, but you speak of a larger epidemic today.

The 80s.

Other than my birth, R&B, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the 49ers, the 80s should have stayed where they were.

We must stop the 80s at all costs. Forget the children, let do it for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya girl!

Why oh why do women insist on committing such fashion sins????

It's just not right.

I agree with Jason too. Let's leave the 80s in the past (with the exception of freestyle of course!).

Anonymous said...

The lace belongs in a time capsule box next to shirt bluckles, slouchy socks, and the deck KNOTB socks.. who apparently are trying to make a come back as well, but that's another blog entry topic!
