Friday, March 7, 2008

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

There are a lot of clichés or refrains out there that may seem well, cliché. But they are said for a reason. One of these is that "actions speak louder than words." Someone can tell you many things but if their actions contradict what they tell you beware and proceed with caution, this may not be someone you want part of your inner circle.

People all have different reasons for doing what they do. More often than not I try and adopt the belief that they are doing these contradictory things because they themselves are not sure on how to express themselves or are truly conflicted about what they want. There are a myriad of circumstances. However after a certain age I would have to say- get over yourself and decide what you want. Otherwise you just show people you are not as stand up as you say. We all have inner conflicts, this I know, but you should also be fair to yourself and the people around you. If someone is not being true through actions and words it is extremely hard to trust them and the type of relationship you will have with them will not be pure, genuine or truly worthwhile.

The dynamics of relationships are tricky and you should know where you stand with people. Some people are in fact acquaintances and they will show you this through their actions. This is sometimes disheartening if their words and actions contradict themselves constantly but read the signs and trust that if this person is being so fickle all the time it really isn’t about you, its about them.

Ultimately you can only control your actions and that’s what matters. If you come to the table being yourself and true of heart then it really doesn’t matter what Mr. or Mrs. Fickle is doing. They apparently have enough issues of their own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have said it before and I will it again - contradictions do not exist. So for every contradiction a person presents, one is their truth and one is the facade. And if they are that conflicted and unable to determine who they are, then they are a mess. And who wants to deal with a mess? I've learned this the hard way.

Without a doubt, actions do speak louder than words. Enough of the crap!