Friday, March 21, 2008

The Benefit of the Doubt

I am not old, but I am not that young and if there is one thing I have learned it is to never ever give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Who made up this phrase? Its really retarded if you think about it. I suggest we break it down. According to the statement- first the person has a doubt. It could be a first impression, a gut reaction, instinct, all of these are the same feeling you realize. Or it could be actions that a person did that went against what he/she said. Either way there is a clear doubt in your mind that something is up. Now if for some reason you believe that this particular person is not being honest or is shady, or whatever the case may be why would you still say- fuck it, I am going to try and like this person and put myself on the line anyway? Stupid stupid stupid.

This person has already shown their face, their true face that is, and it is up to you to decide if you want to deal with their bullshit. How many times have you said- well I know they did this before, but I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now how many times did that end up good? I can’t think of one instance in my lifetime. I can however think of many times where I am left kicking myself saying, “Damn I knew I shouldn’t have given that person the benefit of the doubt!!”

Basically we are all animals, made up of the same stuff. We already know the truth. It is just a matter of accepting it no matter how inconvenient it may be. One thing is for sure, if you have doubt, do not ignore it. It is your own God given survival instinct telling you to listen up this situation/person is not good. There is no one out there that is going to look after you better than you. So wise up to what makes you tick and read the signs before they bite you in the ass. Anyone who instills doubt within you deserves none of your benefits anyway.


Alicia said...

WORD! whats the point of wasting energy on a person that adds nothing more to your life then stress and doubt! Good vibes stick and well as bad vibes. Unfortunately we tend to ignore the bad vibes sometimes because we question whether we are being too judgmental of them. But thats what people do!, we have to judge someone whether it be conscious or unconscious for the sake of protecting our selves, our sanity and our time. Life is way too short to waste it on giving people third and fourth chances.

Anonymous said...

This entry is absolutely on POINT! Screw benefit of the doubt. Screw giving second chances. Screw trying to focus on the good side. AND SCREW CONTRADICTIONS!

Your initial reaction is the right one - the end. There is no arguing this. There is no rationalizing it. The more we try to reason, the deeper the hole we dig for ourselves. It is when we try to be too logical that we often push those important feelings aside, the ones that warn us to stay away.

It is better to be alone than in bad company. If someone doesn't strike you as quite right for whatever reason, keep it moving and do not second guess yourself.

As for being judgmental, I don't know why this has become such a bad thing. The ability to judge is a form of survival. Whenever I try not to judge, I end up screwed. We have the right to judge and we should not feel guilty about it. And you better believe that no one else but you is going to have your best interests at heart, so start paying attention already.

How many mistakes will we have to make before this all finally sinks in? Enough already. Get it through that thick skull and start trusting yourself!