Monday, March 24, 2008

How Real is Sex and the City

How real is Sex and the City?

Now I know I am not the first woman to contemplate this and I have been thinking about it more lately. I love this show and do plan on seeing the movie when it comes out. And yes I’m dressing up. If you love Sex and the City as much as I do I am pretty sure that some if not all of the following have crossed your mind:

Carrie writes about all of her friends business. Not just hers. I am the only one that noticed that?
I love Miranda as a character but is it just me or are her teeth. . . .scary. Jacked up. I don’t know. . .all I know is that if I was Steve and I wanted to get her mad I would say something about her teeth.

I also love Samantha. But if you had a friend just like her you know deep down you would sometimes say, “Damn! Stop being a hoe!” Is it possible to screw virtually a new man every other night and a) not catch an STD or b) not find a completely psychotic killer . . . .well there was that one guy, remember the young one named “Sam” and his phone number was the same as Samantha’s? And then she rocked his world and was CRAZY! That was funny! But only one? She’s lucky.

How much do people in art galleries make? You know the curators? I looked it up and they said you can make up to 50,000 a year. Up to. Not at least. How does Charlotte (Pre marriage) manage to pay for an apartment, have all those lunches/nights out, and stay decked out in designer duds?

Oh and the fact that Big finds Carrie in Paris? C’mon!

And Finally:

Why the hell did Carrie break up with Aidan?

And wasn’t it crazy uncomfortable when she saw him later. . .with a baby!? Damn, could of been you Carrie but you decided to date Post It boy and Wrinkly Russian Balls.

And Why the hell Didn’t Charlotte test drive the car before she bought it? I am of course referring to Trey, who she married in 3 months aka 9.5 seconds.

Am I really supposed to believe that these women wear high heels every single day?

Or that they never have to carry more than one bag?

How much money do you think they pay a month on taxi rides? 2? 3 thousand?

Carries shoes are always a bazillion dollars more than her clothes. And I was not feeling the enormous flower thing when she brought that trend into the scene.

I can’t wait for the movie!


Anonymous said...

Wrinkly Russian Ball!!!! AHAHAHHAH. That is the best.

I was contemplating this very same thing just the other day - How realistic is Sex and the City? Furthermore, how has this show invaded our minds and twisted our perception of love, sex and relationships?

Few shows have had such an impact on women these days. Sex and the City was liberating in a sense but it was beyond unrealistic. Everything you state, Ms. V is completely on point. When you really think about it, much of the show made absolutely no sense.

There is nothing cool or smart or strong about being a Samantha. On the contrary, her lifestyle was downright cheap and dangerous.

Miranda was pretty damn gross herself. And yeah she could have used some veneers. Honestly, I also couldn't stand her love scenes. They grossed me out.

Charlotte was supposedly the goodie tooshoos of the crew, but um...the girl still managed to get around a bit. Is that their definition of a prude? Think back to the episodes where she got it on with some randoms.

As for Carrie, she was an idiot. And yes I always wondered how her friends had no issues with her showcasing their business. And what about the boyfriends?? Didn't they ever think twice? And she is beyond a fool for leaving Aidan. It doesn't get better than him.

I know I am going to get a LOT of slack for saying this, but basically the show was about four hoes (each representing her own variety of sluttiness). You can call it being a modern woman, knowing what you want, blah blah. But it still boils down to a bunch of women making reckless moves and opening their legs to any "cualquiera" who strikes their fancy.

But I still love the show, still watch the re-runs, and you better believe I will be standing first in line the day it hits theaters. After all, it's just entertainment.

Alicia said...

As i've stated in the past, these bitches though fabulous as they might be, have real unfuckingbelievable lives.
No woman in her right mind between the ages of 25 to 38 has the same spending habits, far fetched careers, and sexual promiscuity as this click of women without having massive debt, herpes and or pimp/sugardaddy to live with.
These metro whores slept with every tom, dick and harry in manhattan, cuz they didn't cross boroughs (well only miranda).
and can I just say that the majority of the guys on Sex and City were NOOT cute.
AND I WISH I KNEW WHY Carrie was so stupid and cheated on Aidan!! He was the ONLY NORMAL DUDE ON THE SHOW!!
UGH, and the Russian dude? I mean c'mon!! did Carrie go blind in the last season? Why on earth would they cast this man? Was there a geriatric quota that needed to be filled? Were the writers thinking, hey, u know who Carrie needs to date? A senior citizen, and lets make him be and artist and have a Russian accent to add sex appeal.
JESUS CHRIST!! maybe the writers went on strike then for the last season. Cuz it was more disappointing than anything else. I really hope this movie coming out fixes the blunders that came out the final season.

Anonymous said...

Miranda's man can't say anything out of fear that she may bring up his skid marks he'd leave in his draws for he in the laundry.

Samantha's older than all of them by a significant amount of years and hangs out with them because I suspect her peers were thinking out loud to her "stop hoin' it"...

Charlotte, salary is just as questionable as Carries, a columnist doesn't make that much either...

Considering Carrie cheated on Aiden mainly because he was "too perfect" and was hot in the biscuit to jump in the sack with a MARRIED Big AKA John,.. She's a huge garden hoe herself.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. as for the sagging bag of Russian skin, it's called slim to no options left.

Wuthering said...

the Russian wrinkly balls is toooo funny.

great blog!