Saturday, March 1, 2008


One must be creative. Why you ask? Because it’s essential for your development of who you are through all phases in your life. Creativity comes from within and it’s something that is innate in all of us. In such a way it could be viewed as a gift from above. One that you cannot pick up or acquire in a store or by some outside means. Creativity comes from within and inspiration comes from the outside.

I work very closely with children in my job and one of the biggest turns in education over the past decade or so is the emphasis on the child. Not a stringent curriculum of making children sit straight at their desks and write perfect letters and things of that nature. You can teach all those things based on the interests of the child and what comes from within them. That is how a good teacher empowers their students. They observe the creativity and imagination of the child and find ways to integrate that into the necessary skills that they will need to succeed. Our imagination as children is something that is revered and as we get older there is this great effort to extinguish that light for the ultimate goal of making money.

Now some are fortunate enough to get to use their creativity as a means to earn money and support themselves. Most of the rest of the population has many constraints on their job and we usually take these positions and stay there because they need to earn money to live. It is simply just the way life is. However, if you care about yourself, your spirit and your own overall happiness, it is essential that you express yourself creatively as if there were nothing stopping you. You can transform again into that child like state where your imagination was the only thing that mattered and touch that place within you that still holds the view that there are no limits. Creativity no matter what form it comes in, is a way to feel at peace and a way to give back positive energy to the universe.

Some people may complain that they do not feel creative- I beg to differ. Your gift may be one of organizing. You can clean and organize your space that looks beautiful and is very functional, while others no matter what they do cannot find enough space for their things. You may be able to draw, write, paint, do hair, sew, make jewelry, be a good listener or mediator etc. Everyone has that thing or things that they are good at. These are your creative gifts and you owe it to yourself to use them. Nothing in this life is impossible- remember that. So when you are done reading this, go and create something. You will feel good when your done I promise.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't possibly agree with you more! Since I decided to tap into my own form of creativity, I can definitely attest to the importance of remaining true to this side of ourselves. It's almost like human nature to feel the drive to create something of some kind, something that speaks to us as individuals.

Keep 'em coming sista!

Alicia said...

amen sista! keep doing what you're doing, there needs to be more teachers like you out there to move and inspire your students to become something bigger and better. Your words and actions completely destroy that ridiculous dumbass phrase "those who cant do, teach". Teaching is doing, its even more than that. Its helping a person see who they realy can become. A teacher like you is the defintion of creativity at its core. You see creativity in others and you feed it and make that person flourish. A teacher like you is remembered not for a moment, but for a lifetime, bcuz you've been responsible for shaping an individual's future. It's your superpower.

MVM said...

Very true! Everyone always envies another persons talents, but fail to recognize their own unique creativity. If only they looked more closely they'd realize all the different ways creativity can be inspired and displayed. The Artist's Way is one of the BEST books on that topic and one that everyone should read!

VANESSA said...

I'm so happy to see that we now have teachers like you in the system. It was not until a few years ago did I realize that I had some creative energy in myself. If only I had a teacher similar to you, I might have been one of the ones persuing my passion as a career. Keep doing what you are doing girl, "tell it like it is"!