Thursday, June 12, 2008

"You can’t handle the truth!"

Everyone knows the truth. Unless you are a complete sociopath or schizophrenic, everyone is aware of the truth in any given situation. It’s a matter of trusting yourself enough to accept it. No, many people cannot handle the truth because it does not fit inside the pretty little delusional painting they have created in their minds, but ask someone on the outside what they see and they likely see another picture.

Sometimes in this life we have to do things that may not seem very comfortable for us at the time, but that is LIFE. We have the bad so we can appreciate the good. We would not know what true happiness is unless we had something crappy to compare it to and so we need to pay attention to our current state and be aware of the things, people, environments and situations around us. Life teaches you lessons. We have these lessons to teach us how to be stronger, better people. These life lessons show us how to weed out bullshit and better yet how to see that bullshit coming a mile away. But sometimes, people apparently like the aroma of bullshit.


Wuthering said...

Geez louise!! i'm not sure i'd want your truth ;)

we've known one another for a while. yet, you don't know someone until you begin to read their journals.

You've discussed delusion before. I'm not sure delusion is a bad thing. When you look at the world we live in today- delusion can be used as a nice break from the realities we face everyday.

Ms. V said...

Yep. Deluded people annoy me. Usually becasue they continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly expecting better results- and that is just insanity.

When people are adults i believe the excuses for this type of behavior are very limited and frankly i don't have time for anyones stupidity. . ..

You know me now!! HA I tell it like it is. . .

Wuthering said...

Go V!! People will listen & get something out of it too!

Anonymous said...

They like the aroma so much that they might as well eat chunks of the bullshit.

Enough of this crap (ha-ha). Let's grow up and start dealing with reality. The sooner we begin to use our rational minds the farther we will get in life and that applies in ALL situations.

And as soon as we begin to accept the truth in all its forms, the sooner we will begin saving ourselves from the unnecessary pain that arises from delusional thinking.


Anonymous said...

People can pretend their roses don't smell like poo oo oo but if you choose to live in lala land the property tax will get ya. Studies show you keep putting up with the crap and your body will start breaking down like a pinto! Number one killer of women is heart disease... those who speak their mind, relax, relate and release tend to be around a hell of a lot longer... HOLLER

I thought I told you that we won't stop..

eh heh, eh heh!