Monday, June 16, 2008

Me Talk Pretty

I notice a growing phenomenon among the young adult population and frankly its irritating me. My cousin has coined the term “teentards” for the teenage generation out there and I find it rather appropriate. I ride the rain everyday with these little buggers and everyday without a shadow of a doubt I want to turn around and face them and yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!”

These kids don’t know how to talk. To adults or each other. They use way too much slang and don’t realize the importance of learning English. I am not talking about how you speak amongst your friends because even as adults we speak a different form of English with one another, but luckily all of my friends know when its time to kick back and when its time to put on our professional hat.

Learn how to speak. Learn how to shut it on and off. Young people think that’s its cool to speak the same way to everyone. I have news for them; in this place we call USA a command of the English language is needed to move ahead. I love my culture and my people and respect and admire other cultures but we must all face the reality that is the American Culture. In order to move ahead we must have a strong grasp of Standard English.

I have studied and worked with children for several years, the majority of them being bilingual. There is such a fear that the child will lose their culture and language because they are immersed in English all day long at school. Let me ease your minds. . .that will not happen. If a YOUNG child is spoken to in exclusively Spanish at home and exclusively English in another they will learn both languages. The way the brain is set up it is able to distinguish language in contextual situations. Even by age 3 a child is able to turn to his mommy and speak to her in Spanish then turn to his friend and speak to him in English because he is aware of the difference. This being said parents as well as another adults in the child’s life owe it to the child to support them and encourage them to be well versed in English. It is also important to teach them why. Teach them that its okay to speak differently with their friends but when talking to adults or authority figures (in English or any other language for that matter) you must speak properly because the bottom line is if you don’t people will judge you. If you lack the language skills people will assume that you lack the cognitive skills. You cannot be a lawyer or a doctor, a writer or a teacher if you use slang, or “like” every other word.

It’s not about selling out, or keeping it real. It’s not about sounding “white.” It’s about sounding smart and who gives an eff if your friends give you a hard time about it. They’re keeping it real will keep them flipping burgers while you are getting your MBA.


Wuthering said...

Loved the post. I can only imagine this situation. I grew up on the cape cod with little diversity. yet, generally liked. the spanish children seemed to do VERY well.

Jason Clinkscales said...

English is like, so 20th century.

Wuthering said...

hey V!! I've tagged & linked you. can't wait to hear what you're listening to!

Anonymous said...

yo,... miss v my shizzle nizzle u be right about all that they aint even no how to write neitha! da gramma is all eff'd up, son! that aint even right! raise my chirren that way? oh heeeelllllz no! LOL

Great entry!

Just D!

Alicia said...

teentards, sigh,.... maybe a reality show needs to be created with smart people speaking proper and with manners but at the same time have a sense of style and taste in music and actually talk about topics of substance. Thats what the little fuckers need, then maybe they will imitate it.
From Ghetto, to Emo , to Hot Nerd-o.