Thursday, June 12, 2008

My effing nails

How come every single effing time I do my nails it’s a 3 hour ordeal? I have a vision. I pick out a color and design. I remove, soak, clean, cuticle, oil, lotion- the whole 9. . then paint. I am so happy when it comes out nice but nooooooooooo, Ms V multi-tasker has to fuck them up somehow! Them I have to remove the freakin polish on that one nail, all the while being ever so careful as to not mess up my other beautiful nails and start over! WTF!!! Then I have to wait for that shit to dry and then low and behold, I didn’t see that smudge on my toe! I didn’t even walk anywhere! Why me!?!?!?!? And the process continues till I’ve done, like, 5 nails over again but I am so frustrated that now I’ve done all this work and have to wait for it to all dry and part of me just wants to take a cotton ball and polish remover and take it all off!!! But it won’t! Too much work has already been put in. And I will not give in. I will be victorious!!!

I will have pretty nails!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

HAHHAA....I admire your dedication to beautiful nails.

Anonymous said...

I get that same irritation when I glue a track on crooked!

Jusst D!