Thursday, June 12, 2008

Keep the Change

Yes, keep the “change” because the fact of the matter is, is that people do not change. If when you met someone a certain way, they are going to stay that way. Just like if you are late all the time, or don’t call people back right away. These are all character traits that people do not change. It still blows my mind that people still believe in that crap that people change. There are very few exceptions to that rule. Like if you met someone when you were 15 and now they are 30—perhaps they’ve changed! I mean they were a child then and an adult now so it’s plausible. As for meeting someone when you’re in your 20’s and meeting them again in your early 30’s?? Sure life may have changed, jobs, significant others but habits remain the same. It’s just the way humans are. Remember this: When dealing with a habit or trait that bothers you about someone, either learn how to deal with it or move on. Whether they are your friend or lover, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, you cannot change another person. The only thing you can change is yourself so if someone irritates you to the high heavens change your situation. Deciding that you don’t want that person around you is not something to feel guilty or upset about. On the other hand you should feel proud of yourself that you chose YOU over some other person who aggravated you anyway. I don’t know about you but sanity is one of my best friends, and I wouldn’t let anyone or thing get in the way of my peace.


Wuthering said...

honestly... i'm in complete agreement. I keep on moving CHOOO CHOOO... all they'll see is my dust.

great post as always!!! Ya just know next time I see you I'm going to be asking you where the HELL do you come up with this stuff!!!???!!!!

Well, of course, not everyone is going to write about chris crocker and rock of love. laf xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo

Jason Clinkscales said...

While I agree wholeheartedly that you cannot change another person nor can habits be dropped, but I do believe that people are capable of some sort of change, even with age. Not that they won't drop certain habits or still won't act like a jerk-off around a person they clash with(or as they say in Western Penn., jagoff). Yet, I think of that old adage, it takes something to happen for people to learn.

Tragedies tend to bring some people at a crossroads about the way they carry themselves and what truly matters. Yes, some people can lack the heart and awareness to actually do so (i.e., as we can see with one Kanye West), but others may be able to change some aspects of their lives as a result. You may cut out some people in your life who didn't have the best interest in mind or leaving that neighborhood may have been the best thing to ever happen in your life, but it took time to see it.

Okay, so maybe I took this to a different place. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I hear that my, friend. But I really, really want to try to work on my time management. I don't want to be late all the time. Ayy. And I'll be the first to admit that despite my best efforts it has been difficult to change that nasty little habit. Not because it is impossible but because it is often so difficult to fight those things that are practically ingrained in my nature. So if it's that hard to change even for those individuals who make a conscious effort, what does that say about everyone else who doesn't give two thoughts to their actions? Exactly. Let's keep it moving.


Anonymous said...

I don't think one person can change another.
And I think fundamentally, you don't change who you are...but I mean more like the values instilled in you as a child, the foundation your guardians set....
I agree with Jason that tragedies do lead individuals to seek change and some do actually change.
I think habits are acquired behaviors that a person can change IF that person makes the effort and continues to make that effort throughout his/her life so that the previous behavior, or habit, is "unlearned" and a new one takes its place.
I believe change is possible, but it's a difficult path to follow so many falter.