Friday, May 23, 2008

Beauty Buzz

What is Beauty?

To be physically attractive is one thing but beauty is another. I see tons of beautiful people everyday. I try my best to ignore all the magazines on the shelves that house pictures of the new skinny “it” girls that are everywhere. Too look and compare yourself is just so self defeating that its pointless to me. And people cannot say that they don’t look at these pictures and compare themselves because we do. It’s a reaction that has been bred in us for a long time. And no I don’t think its natural- I think its something that has been cultivated by our “bigger and better” American culture. Its sick.. . .but it digress.

Since I like many have been raised in such a media driven culture obsessed with image I have tried to make amends with it. I cannot help but like pretty, shiny things. But on the flip side I certainly can tell the difference between cute, pretty, fly etc, and beauty.

There is a big difference between enhancing and fighting nature when it comes to beauty. It makes me almost physically ill to see all of the botox, boob jobbed, rhinoplastied prancing around claiming beauty. That is not what real beauty is.

Beauty is your essence. It is all the positive things about you working together and it emits from you. It makes that what is physically on the outside look better. When you are in the presence of real beauty, you know it.

I am not saying don’t brush your hair or do your make up. No way. I am huge fan of those things because they enhance the natural features that you have. The problem arises when we fight what nature has given us. The key is to work with what you’ve got. God gave you certain attributes and you have the power to make them work for you. Small chest. Who cares? So don’t wear halter-tops, but there is still a lot of stuff you can wear, probably more than someone with very large breasts. Got big ol’ knockers? Get some good support and show some sexy cleavage! Curly Hair? Rock that shit!!! Don’t spend hours straightening (and damaging!!) your hair when God gave you personality on your head!! Pin straight hair- well shoot, only those people can wear certain haircuts that would drive me crazy. . .

Embrace it! All I’m saying is that each and every one of us has tools and gifts that we can use to enhance ourselves and accent our natural beauty. When you enhance yourself in this way, you embrace exactly how and who you are. That is where real beauty stems from as well. In this way you will be having the inside and the outside working for you and it will show. It comes across as sexy and confident and no amount of padding or injections can give you that.


Anonymous said...

It's a tough topic. There are pros and cons to it all. Will I go for botox and other nip/tucks as necessary in the future? Maybe. Perhaps it depends largely on the state of things when the time comes. Would that be an indication that I don't like myself? No.

As for plastic surgery, it all depends on the reasoning behind it, and the circumstances in that person's life. In this superficial world, it can be difficult to accept extreme imperfections. Sometimes, it's not as easy as just accepting yourself no matter what. For instance, if you've been teased your whole life because Mother Nature gave you uncle Bernie's horrible nose, and a nose job is the one thing that will bring you happiness and confidence, and you are mentally stable, then why not do it if that is what you truly want?

The problem, however, comes when people with absolutely NO need for surgery go under the knife only to reach an ideal that was established by God knows who. That is when it gets ridiculous. The Heidi pics you posted are a perfect example. There was NOTHING wrong with her pre-surgery. She actually looked better before. It seems that in this country it is all about excess and the unrealistic quest for perfection. And let's not forget about the potential consequences of these surgeries. Nothing comes without risk.

As for lower level changes, like dental work, straighteners, waxing, etc. - go for it. Natural beauty is great and all, but if everyone were to keep it totally 100% natural, it would not be very pleasing to the eyes and we might be begging for it to end...ahahaah. Some do look better after battling it out with the blow dryer. The same way most women happen to look better after applying some make-up. And the same way that everyone definitely looks better when they work out regularly.

Oftentimes it's also a matter of taste. Some people prefer blue over purple, some like vanilla over chocolate, and some prefer straight over curly. It may not always be an indication of self-acceptance as much as personal preference.

Modifications are necessary for both men and women. Maintenance and upkeep are essential. And a little extra effort goes a long way. However, it's important to know when to draw the line and make sure not to get carried away with the unrealistic images and retouched photos that are thrown in our faces every day.

But, yes, above all it is all about confidence. Without it, a person has nothing no matter how much they may try to fix themselves or how many surgeries they may get. It has to start on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Also a perfect example of natural beauty in the celeb world is Kate Hudson. She is flat-chested and has had no surgery anywhere (well as far as we know at least) yet she is far more beautiful than any one of these fake women in Hollywood. She has a charm and an essence that shines through and makes her even more attractive. Go Kate with your bad, flat self! Love it.


Wuthering said...

i agree. i usually think women are less attractive after surgery enhancement. maybe because of my own associations.

V. i think you'll be one of those women to age beautifully. Rock on!

Ms. V said...

Thanks for your comments! And thank you Lucy- that was sweet :-)

And i totally agree with the Kate Hudson comment. I think she is absloutely got it goin on! she works with what she has got and she is beautiful.

Jason Clinkscales said...

To feed upon a point C made (yes, the one male in the room has something to add, I guess): how a person carries his, or mostly in this case, herself gives off a radiance that not even the most perfect of (insert body part) injections can match. And when that person speaks with you, that feeling can rub off on you as well, as if (and I doubt that none of you are not already) you are equally, if not more beautiful.

Yet, as long as Maxim exists and the shallow make themselves more vocal than the rest, we'll always fight this. Female or male.

Fuck it, I'm tremendous.

Anonymous said...

True on that!!!!! Work with what you got, own it... because there is nothing more beautiful and sexy, and just down right hypnotic than confidence... that's how Carrie Bradshaw got away with half those outfits on Sex and the City...