Monday, May 26, 2008

Addendum: Beauty Buzz

As an addition to my previous entry Beauty Buzz I would like to add something. As I am in the interim of haircuts right now (bangs growing out) one has to get creative with what they do with their hair. And that gets me to my philosophy about hair.

Yes it probably sounds trivial or silly to some but I for one think hair is extremely important. Especially as a woman (but I know that men love their hair too). At any rate hair is important. It is in fact your most important accessory. It befuddles me why people keep the same hairstyle for extended amounts of time. (I always want to do something new with my hair). Would you wear the same clothes or jewelry every single day? I am just saying that there is so much variety to be experienced out there, new fun things to try . . .why not go for it? This is fun experimentation. No drugs, alcohol or anything dangerous so viva el cabello!! I want to dye my hair right now!

If you dye it the wrong color- you can fix it and if you cut your hair too short- it will grow back. It’s not permanent which is another alluring thing about experimentation. Wonderful, glorious, hair! Have you loved your hair today?


Wuthering said...

V! What color???

Anonymous said...

I want details on the new do. I really enjoyed the bangs... and I'd also like to add, for those of you who don't have that naturally beautiful hurr like Miss V... you can always add some... !!!! tee hee!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Hair can make or break you.

I used to experiment all the time and then got sick of it (mostly after many botched jobs and damaged hair).

But it's a great thing when you finally find that style/color that works best on you!
