Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bad Habits

Is there ever a way to break our bad habits? I am not talking about little things like nails biting, and swearing. I am talking about the types of things that affect our quality of life. Perhaps it has to do with your “tendency” to end up in the same place over and over again. When you find that you are – yet again, in a very familiar predicament, don’t you think its time to face the music? The answer to why you are in such a pickle-again- has everything to do with you. Not the Universe, God or the people you roll with.

You may be jobless, homeless, friendless, penniless. . .whatever it is if its happened more than once in your cognizant adult lifetime than I am almost positive that the problem and the solution lay within the same place- yourself.

This bad cycle sounds exhausting but there are some that go through it. It’s bizarre because people on the outside can see it but those on the inside are wondering “Damn, why don’t people just understand me?” Well get your head out of the clouds and down into reality because that is the one thing you haven’t tried out yet. Once these habitual, hardheaded people realize that the only thing you have to work with is the truth then and only than can real progress be made. Life is about two sides, ying and yang, the good and the bad. Everyone sacrifices some of themselves to get what they truly want but that sacrifice is self made by hard work.

Think about what is truly valuable to you long term. That’s how you decide what you are willing to give up. . .but in place of what you gave up is success. And success is not always made up by money. Sacrifice is a part of life. Period. And there is nothing wrong with sacrifice. It makes us strong people with character and history.


Anonymous said...

Finally a new entry!

People can certainly change their bad habits and they should focus on changing the small ones (nail biting, cursing, nitpicking, sucking teeth, gossiping, hair flipping, eye rolling, you name it) just as much as the big ones that affect their life (repeated job issues, relationship problems, friend drama, frivolous spending, and so on). It's one complete package. You must chip away at the outer and inner habits, the superficial and the deep so it can all come together to create a much better you.

We attract what we project. With that said, what do you think all those bad inner and outer habits are going to bring you?

Lord knows, every single human being is guilty of both types of bad habits though they vary depending on the individual (obviously). But despite the fact that bad habits are a part of life, EACH and EVERY one of us should still make all the effort possible to get rid of them and better ourselves. Remember, we have minds. We have control. We have free will. Nothing is set in stone.

Perhaps that's part of the point of life: to learn how to better ourselves through experience and mistakes, and also sometimes through what other people see and tell us about ourselves. I was watching Batman Begins the other day with yummy Christian Bale and an interesting phrase was used a few times throughout the movie - "we fall so that we can learn how to pick ourselves up."

There is much wisdom and truth to that quote. The sad thing is that most people choose to stress the fact that they have fallen and fail to learn how to pick themselves up. If you can't see the lessons in your failures, how will you ever grow? How will you ever rise to success in the different areas of life?

In every situation you face, there is one constant factor - YOU. So if nothing ever seems fair, if nothing ever goes right, if every job sucks, if you never get along with anyone, if the joke is always on you, if you hate everyone, if drama always follows you, if you only attract jerks, etc. then it is undoubtedly time to take a look in the mirror. Clearly the problem is you. And be aware that your life will not change for the better until the day when YOU finally come to that realization.

*Please note that I am using the word you in the general sense.


Anonymous said...

Another point to add to this entry:

"Every decision a person makes adds up to the sum of his/her life."


Anonymous said...

My experience with the people that live their lives like Groundhog's Day the movie, is that they live by *instant gratification. I was once a member of this club. If you're driven by instant gratification, you get nowhere, no matter how different of an approach you think you take... you end up in the same place & sometimes with the same people... goes back to Miss V's entry about expectations. Instant gratification is like orgasms... after you get it on, it's like "ok, now what... moving on..." Where as sacrifice, hard work and pressing on... at the end of the road,... you really feel like something... you can lift your head up and keep it up... cuz you did u!

Alicia said...

the choices we make dictate the life we lead..if one wants to better them selves, he or she must learn from past mistakes and not turn them into a life long de ja vu scenario.
Humans are creatures of habit, the thing that gets some of us is the bad had habit of denial or not seeing things are they are in front of us.
Some people need electroshock therapy to get their asses out of the mind funk they are in and train themselves into having good habits will bring about a better cause and effect scenario into their ramblingggg....