Saturday, April 19, 2008

Great Expectations

People have different opinions when it comes to expectations. Some people think that expectations are bad because if you have them you will ultimately be let down. Others think they are okay as long as you have them for no one except yourself. And then there are those that that think that expectations are necessary to reach goals and set standards in life.

Of course individuals should have expectations for themselves. That’s where it all begins. You set these goals for yourself because you want the quality of your existence to be better. To set goals for the people in your life is a little ridiculous and unrealistic, but it is not unrealistic to want to see others aim for their full potential whatever it may be. Would you want to hang out with someone that has limited expectations of themselves? What do you think a person like that brings to your life? Drama, stress and probably lack of quality experiences. I suppose it fundamentally it comes down to having your own expectations but human beings cannot deny that many of these expectations are tied to other factors in our lives. It’s a reality that some try and escape or twist around with words to make sense of their disappointment (of themselves or others).

What would your life be like with no expectations I wonder. Would we all just float through life waiting for things to happen to us, because after all we do not want to be let down? Is it natural to expect things from others? For example, do you expect to be treated the way you treat others, do you expect that other people will do the right thing? Perhaps the answer is yes.

As human beings it is perfectly natural to have expectations for yourself as well others in your life, especially if you care about them. Your parents and loved ones expect you to succeed. If you work hard in your job you would expect a raise at your next review. If someone treats you like crap shouldn’t that person expect crap in return? Expectations are not a bad thing; it is our way of setting the standard of our lives. Your expectations of certain things may change, but it usually occurs when you’ve decided that you can expect nothing but a negative outcome anyway. If and when this occurs with a particular situation, its important to keep in mind that it’s all a part of life. Maybe it’s something that you can almost always count on . . . .or expect ;-P


Anonymous said...

For a while, I believed in the whole "no expectations" policy. But that's a crock of bull.

Expectations are necessary. They are the basis for our values, ethics and goals. We have every right to expect certain things of ourselves and, yes, even of others.
It is wonderful and all to be open-minded and give things a chance and realize that we are all individuals with different things to contribute. But if others fail to meet our expectations, then perhaps they aren't in line with who we are and aren't the ones we should be associating with.

On that note, it is also important to be real with yourself and honest about what your expectations are. Some people live in denial and refuse to admit that they themselves are the problem and not those who fail to meet their unrealistic expectations. Sadly, if these people never manage to open their eyes to the truth, they will likely lead a very lonely existence. Enough of them, though.

Without expectations there would be no success, no accomplishments. If were to just let things be all the time, then what would we stand for?
We all know that famous saying that goes something like this: "Expect the worst. Hope for the best". Well that's a bunch of bulls**t. ALWAYS EXPECT THE BEST. Don't ever settle for less. And if expecting the best results in one or two disappointments, so what? Take it as life experience. With the right attitude, it will only make you stronger and more determined.

Alicia said...

I think expectations for ones' self are necessary in living life with any type of substance and meaning. For me, its almost a deciding factor on whether or not to make a choice for myself or take a chance on something or someone. Whether my expectations be be low or high, setting those expectations is usually due to an initial vibe a person, place or setting gives off.
WIthout setting expectations , how can we even know how to be truly happy? how can we ever take the step towards a goal or dream? Without any expectations, we would become stagnant in our thinking and not evolve, and in bad situations, we would prolong any conscious conclusion about others who disappoint us.

Anonymous said...

How about you must stand for something or you'll fall for anything. It's funny because my mom referres to such as "living their lives like trees" planted in one place ever growing (in size and aging) but just waiting for the rain to fall or the wind to blow. At the mercy of the elements and the surroundings to not even survive but exist." EEEEeewww. That's all I have to say about that.

Some people in life are just scared stiff of living like they don't deserve anything, let along nice accomplishments and things. But *isht, you only get one shot on this ball of dirt, so DO YOU, dammit! There's nothing worse than the cliche Mid-life crisis "oh I forgot to live" ... don't be afraid to dream, and pursue or you end up a miserable fool!!!!!

Signing off the soap box...
