Friday, April 11, 2008

Blue Steel

Totally random I know but this is just an observation. . .

Why do male models always look sooooooooooooo gay!!! It cracks me up really it does. I know to many women they may perceive these men to be Adonis’s, gorgeous, and such and many of them are. . .if you like that kind of thing. They are good looking creatures but I can’t help but say to myself- God you look gay. Are you sure you’re not gay? I think you’re gay. . .even though I am sure that many of them aren’t. And it cracks me up even more when multiple male models hang out together!! (think Zoolander, Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!!) Hahahaha! Then they really look gay! I am sorry but I just couldn’t picture myself with a man who is prettier than me. I do believe in men keeping up with their appearance and grooming but the male model thing is just way too funny. I am not hating at all, I am just commenting on how funny these men are to me. How can they keep a straight face strutting down the runway in some tight ass pants, man capris and rain boots (I saw all of these in videos of fashion week I saw recently) I am sorry but I am laughing as I type this. Oh fellas, don’t be mad when people think you are a little too feminine, I am sure you know what your signing up for when you are putting on your turtlenecks and man capris right before you step out on the runway. . .Hahahaha!


Alicia said...

dont you think theres more to life than being really really really ridiculously goood looking? Blue steeeelll I love it! its so true!

Anonymous said...

Weeeelllll....I have to admit, that I do love my blue steel men. James Marsden, Jason Lewis, Orlando Bloom, Tom Welling, Rodrigo Santora, Antonio Sabato, Jr., Victor Webster....umm half the guys I've had a crush on. Oooo is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

What can I say I love beautiful men...I just can't help it!

Ms. V said...

Orlando Bloom. . .is so hot. not a blue steel man in my opinion. Actors are a littel different than male models. . .

Anonymous said...

Women have lanky masculine bodies (no curves) and the men are on the fem side... go figure...

Anonymous said...

PS the funniest thing is... most men want a sexy body that goes bump! bump! BUMP! And most women don't want to go to the salon and get their brows and nails done with their man.