Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Even the Score

I remember one of my favorite children’s stories from when I was a child. It was called “Miss Nelson is Missing.” It was a funny tale of a teacher, who is very kind, and has class of ungrateful little students. In essence it is a story of teaching the kids a lesson and them getting their just rewards.

Now some could say this story is about revenge. Is revenge really that bad? I do not particularly like the word revenge, nor do I necessarily believe that it is always a means to an end. I do however believe in justice. There is a difference. The difference between revenge and justice is that revenge has negative connotations. It is said that its driving force is malice. But isn’t it really all about justice? Isn’t it human to want justice and Godly to overlook that desire?

In the story of Ms Nelson, the children were awful to her despite her kindness. They threw paper airplanes, spitballs, never listened and disrespected the poor teacher. One day she does not show up, but in her place is the meanest substitute ever!! Ms Viola Swamp- and she looked and acted like a witch. She yelled at the kids all day and made them lose recess. The children then realized how good they had it with Miss Nelson and begged for her return. Little did the children know that Ms Viola Swamp was just Miss Nelson dressed up. The kids never knew and they learned their lesson. Miss Nelson would be appreciated from there on out.

All Miss Nelson wanted to do was give the students a taste of their own medicine. Some would definitely call that revenge. . . but they deserved it, did they not?

It is natural to feel these things. Nobody likes to feel that they’ve been wronged. If we lived in a world void of justice what kind of world would we live in? Does the universe always even the score, or does one sometimes have to take matters into their own hands?


Anonymous said...

I do believe in revenge. It is sometimes necessary. And I have no issue stepping forward and saying this.

Does fate even the score? Not nearly enough half the time, and unfortunately karma does not always work itself out. Too many people get away with too many wrongs. So if someone has seriously crossed you, you have every damn right to settle the score.

Actions have their consequences, and one of those consequences might very well be the side effects of someone's wrath.

Watch your actions so you won't have to watch your back.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but look at it again....HE IS SO CUUUUTE!