Saturday, April 19, 2008

Great Expectations

People have different opinions when it comes to expectations. Some people think that expectations are bad because if you have them you will ultimately be let down. Others think they are okay as long as you have them for no one except yourself. And then there are those that that think that expectations are necessary to reach goals and set standards in life.

Of course individuals should have expectations for themselves. That’s where it all begins. You set these goals for yourself because you want the quality of your existence to be better. To set goals for the people in your life is a little ridiculous and unrealistic, but it is not unrealistic to want to see others aim for their full potential whatever it may be. Would you want to hang out with someone that has limited expectations of themselves? What do you think a person like that brings to your life? Drama, stress and probably lack of quality experiences. I suppose it fundamentally it comes down to having your own expectations but human beings cannot deny that many of these expectations are tied to other factors in our lives. It’s a reality that some try and escape or twist around with words to make sense of their disappointment (of themselves or others).

What would your life be like with no expectations I wonder. Would we all just float through life waiting for things to happen to us, because after all we do not want to be let down? Is it natural to expect things from others? For example, do you expect to be treated the way you treat others, do you expect that other people will do the right thing? Perhaps the answer is yes.

As human beings it is perfectly natural to have expectations for yourself as well others in your life, especially if you care about them. Your parents and loved ones expect you to succeed. If you work hard in your job you would expect a raise at your next review. If someone treats you like crap shouldn’t that person expect crap in return? Expectations are not a bad thing; it is our way of setting the standard of our lives. Your expectations of certain things may change, but it usually occurs when you’ve decided that you can expect nothing but a negative outcome anyway. If and when this occurs with a particular situation, its important to keep in mind that it’s all a part of life. Maybe it’s something that you can almost always count on . . . .or expect ;-P

Friday, April 11, 2008

Blue Steel

Totally random I know but this is just an observation. . .

Why do male models always look sooooooooooooo gay!!! It cracks me up really it does. I know to many women they may perceive these men to be Adonis’s, gorgeous, and such and many of them are. . .if you like that kind of thing. They are good looking creatures but I can’t help but say to myself- God you look gay. Are you sure you’re not gay? I think you’re gay. . .even though I am sure that many of them aren’t. And it cracks me up even more when multiple male models hang out together!! (think Zoolander, Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!!) Hahahaha! Then they really look gay! I am sorry but I just couldn’t picture myself with a man who is prettier than me. I do believe in men keeping up with their appearance and grooming but the male model thing is just way too funny. I am not hating at all, I am just commenting on how funny these men are to me. How can they keep a straight face strutting down the runway in some tight ass pants, man capris and rain boots (I saw all of these in videos of fashion week I saw recently) I am sorry but I am laughing as I type this. Oh fellas, don’t be mad when people think you are a little too feminine, I am sure you know what your signing up for when you are putting on your turtlenecks and man capris right before you step out on the runway. . .Hahahaha!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

Women are funny when it comes to their relationships. We work so hard at them and when another party lets us down we take it to heart. Sometimes our friends fuck up and usually if you are good friends you say something about it. But what happens when you see your friend making mistakes, screwing up their lives and living in a clouded delusional picture of their own making? What happens when they keep on fucking up over and over again? Do you say something? Or do you resign that they will learn on their own. . .do you just give up?

I was watching an interview with this gentleman Randy Pausch last night. You may have heard of him. He is a professor who is dying of terminal cancer and instead of being “depressed or morose” as he put it he chooses to enjoy the time he has left. He spoke, movingly, of his attitude towards life, family, loved ones and his students and he said some things that rings true no matter where you are in life. He said if he had three words to tell people they would be “Tell the truth.” If he has three more they would be “all the time.” Not easy, especially when dealing with the beloved around you. But those are the people that deserve the truth the most, right?

Now my daddy is a smart man and he always told me “opinions are like a$$holes, everybody’s got one.” It is true most people have something to say, but if you feel like your friends are holding something back from you, or worse yet you are avoiding a certain topic with them its probably something you need to hear. Better yet it’s probably something you already know and don’t want to confront. Your friends are your chosen family, do you really think they would set you up for failure? If there are people that care enough to say something about the state of your life don’t you think there may be a grain of truth to what’s being said?

He said that if someone you love is telling you that you are screwing up; don’t tune him or her out. This person still cares about you. Now if no one is telling you that you are screwing up anymore, and you are still doing the same things, well this is a dangerous place to be. It means that people have given up. You don’t want those around you to give up on you. It’s a lonely place to be.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Even the Score

I remember one of my favorite children’s stories from when I was a child. It was called “Miss Nelson is Missing.” It was a funny tale of a teacher, who is very kind, and has class of ungrateful little students. In essence it is a story of teaching the kids a lesson and them getting their just rewards.

Now some could say this story is about revenge. Is revenge really that bad? I do not particularly like the word revenge, nor do I necessarily believe that it is always a means to an end. I do however believe in justice. There is a difference. The difference between revenge and justice is that revenge has negative connotations. It is said that its driving force is malice. But isn’t it really all about justice? Isn’t it human to want justice and Godly to overlook that desire?

In the story of Ms Nelson, the children were awful to her despite her kindness. They threw paper airplanes, spitballs, never listened and disrespected the poor teacher. One day she does not show up, but in her place is the meanest substitute ever!! Ms Viola Swamp- and she looked and acted like a witch. She yelled at the kids all day and made them lose recess. The children then realized how good they had it with Miss Nelson and begged for her return. Little did the children know that Ms Viola Swamp was just Miss Nelson dressed up. The kids never knew and they learned their lesson. Miss Nelson would be appreciated from there on out.

All Miss Nelson wanted to do was give the students a taste of their own medicine. Some would definitely call that revenge. . . but they deserved it, did they not?

It is natural to feel these things. Nobody likes to feel that they’ve been wronged. If we lived in a world void of justice what kind of world would we live in? Does the universe always even the score, or does one sometimes have to take matters into their own hands?