Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello World!!

I appreciate all types of people. Because I believe that God has created all different types of people that believe in different things. . .yadda yadda yadda , you get the point.

I also believe that God has blessed most of us with common sense as well as instincts. Why is it that some people choose to ignore these two life saving, stress reducing and practical tools that God has given us?

I can see if you had a messed up life, if you didn't have proper guidance growing up or there were some events that really screwed up your perception but what about if you have lived a normal happy life with a good family and support system, access to a good education etc.? Why do some ignore the reality of a situation and others embrace the realness of life?

I am not saying to not think outside the box and not to dream because these things are very important as well. We would be nothing as a people of it were not for imagination. However, I think that you should view life with more of a balance. With your head towards the sky but at least one foot on the ground becasue when you get down it we all exisit on the same place in the same world in some form of society. Live your dreams but realize that you must live in the real world as well. Not following? here are a few examples:

Girl been treated bad by boys. Girl meets new boy. This boy kinda unattractive but very nice so girl moves to new country and stays with boy. Girl realizes boy doesn't like to work so she must support boy. Time rough but boy convinces girl- over and over again- that this is right becasue its love. Girl grows deeper in debt and more lonely becasue she cannot bring herself to lose the security of not being "alone," and justifies that its okay becasue at least he does not cheat on her.

Boy meets girl. They move in fast. Claim love. Have baby even faster. She cuts him off from freinds and family. She drains boy of his fun, life and money. But its all good cuz "thats what marriage is. You gotta make sacrifices."

Boy been living off girl for a long time. Girl finally gets fed up kicks boy out and he has to go live somewhere else. Instead of going to parents house chooses to crash on couches and be homeless. Will prove to the world that she didn't understand him and that he is the victim.

What is wrong with these pictures?!?! People allow themselves to lose their way becasue they give way to their own insecurities, laziness and ego. Shit happens. Face the world, work with your reality, and keep it moving!


Wuthering said...

Hi!!! Worldly member responding!!

Ya know, many of the things you mentioned bother me also. I hate when I see someone recklessly hurting other peoples life b/c they aren't willing to "man up". I even hate when I'm guilty of this.

The thing is, life is so complicated, those self limiting behaviors that could be classified somewhere as a mental illness/ deficit, could also indicate the need for some much needed cultural engineering.

Although I know you have a lot of thoughts on this, I want to be the devils advocate and point to the many much needed social programs, and the exorbitant price of capital. First, the cost of property should be much lower than it currently is. Forget about how much we pay for our education. Basically, people who once were self sufficient no longer are. It hurts the most when you see this happen to someone in their 60's. Or it hurts the most when you see a corporation put their workers health at risk without a conscious. It hurts to see people living paycheck to paycheck and find themselves instantly homeless. AND that the government has increased the number of shelters.

I realize this is not exactly what you are talking about. I realize that there are people who hurt the people in life rather than take responsibility and this would probably happen in a perfect world.

Hey, the world usually chooses war instead of peace. I guess talking and solutions seem impossible. It would help if the society chose to find more solutions rather than have so many problems.

btw, I never spit out my thoughts on social capitalism and the Infrared sauna. I do plan on talking about them eventually on my blogs. The social capitalism will be on "yoworld" and the Infrared will be on "30 days". Maybe, if you choose the blogger follow option, you will see when I write about them.

I had such a great time with you on Friday. Sorry I babbled so much!!!

Take care xxx

Anonymous said...

Ya know while in Crapchesta, there was a framed motto "perception is reality" and I always thought that this framed motto was as dangerous as it is wrong. People can perceive in ERROR any given thing at any given time. That doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make it reality. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!

off the soapbox!


Just D