Friday, August 22, 2008

This One is For the Ladies

Sometimes I am so amazed by women. We have been criticized by many for being emotional creatures that are in touch with our inner feelings and have been portrayed as weaker for expressing ourselves. I beg to differ. I feel that woman is the strongest creature out there. We are the most resilient, strong, amazing things God has probably ever created.

I look at the many women who are in and have touched my life and I admire them. Many of them have had to face some of the hardest blows life has to give, some of them purely unique to women. We carry babies, and give birth to the sometimes raise them by ourselves. If we are lucky we have other people to help us but some of us are not that fortunate. Unfortunately sometimes we carry babies and lose them. Sometimes before they come into this world and our incredible hopes are dashed or worse we give birth to them only to lose them soon after and not only are out hopes dashed but the heartbreak is immense and indescribable. But we come back. We come back because we have to. We are strong for our heartbroken family, our husbands and deal with horrible pains that hurt us forever.

We are usually the “bad guy” when it comes to raising our children- especially daughters, because we often see the world not just as it is but as it can be. We trust our instincts and our sides are often not heard because we already know that there will be resistance and as we get older we wisely pick and choose our battles.

Sometimes we are abused, sometimes we are cheated on, sometimes we are left completely alone in this world but with age we realize the importance of forgiveness and we cope with the cards life had dealt us and because we are in touch with our emotions we eventually figure ourselves out as well as others.

Women who have seen such extents of adversity are living proof that we are strong beings. There is a reason why many of these things don’t happen to men- because they can’t handle emotional stress the way we can. I happen to know some of the strongest women I will ever meet in my life and they help me realize how lucky I am and to never feel sorry for myself. I appreciate and try my best not to hate on any other lady because we are all connected. Once you strip down ego, jealousy, and any other selfish feeling we put in our way we have the capacity to support one another in a way that can’t be tested. We can have strong bond like that of a fraternity but ours is much deeper because it is based on emotion, as well as shared experiences, affection and empathy.

Big up to all my strong ladies out there. This world would be in shambles without us.

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