Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Don't

Carrie said that she didn’t have the wedding gene. Is it really natural for a woman to want all those bells and whistles for their wedding day? The white dress, bridesmaids, expensive plates and centerpieces. Is all of that really necessary? Or is it possible that the majority of woman have been brainwashed into thinking this is their fairy tale day of the princess marrying her prince. And on the flip side, are there a small population of women who simply don’t believe in all of that and believe that marriage- and the ceremony that comes with it means something completely different?

When the movie happened, Carrie got carried away (no pun intended) once all of these things were presented to her. Her wedding went from 75 to 200 and her friends began to question this “no wedding gene” she once proposed she had. I do think it is easy to get carried away with all of that, if money is no object of course but there are plenty of women out there that are more than willing to fork over 10,000 plus dollars for a wedding. What is even more outrageous to me is that some bridezillas expect their wedding party to pay hundreds of dollars for a dress, take days off of work to celebrate, pay for them (and sometimes travel) for a bachelorette party, and buy the couple a gift for the wedding and no one can say shit. Isn’t the bridal party, like, your best friends??? Why would you do that to your best friends?!? Then the wedding is a party where you invite your “friends” and family, seat them strategically and they get wasted. The reason why I say “friends” is because people’s guest lists never cease to amaze me, inviting their latest BFF from work and then a hundred other people from the woodworks of back in the day that you don’t even speak to anymore. Then the people that don’t make the list are slighted and then the bride/groom get slighted when other people don’t show up or can’t travel, afford or whatever that case may be, to go to this extravaganza of a wedding.

Then the bride is waited on hand and foot because “this is her day.” Give me a damn break. If you want everyone to kiss your ass while you plan a wedding and get married then hire people to do that. Don’t make your friends pay and then have to serve you also. As you can see I am not a fan of this big show of marriage. The party is ultimately for other people, and very expensive. When I get married that last way I want to start my marriage is thousands of dollars in debt. Getting married is a very huge and very personal thing and on that day I would only want my closest family, on both sides to be there. We are marrying each other and uniting our families. I don’t believe couples have to spend thousands of dollars to show how much this means to them. I also believe that much of the planning causes disagreements, hurts friendships and is a complete distraction from the relationship. You are about to get married and instead of getting closer you just have this big stressy elephant in the room that must be addressed, “the wedding, the invitations, the place, the dress, the bridesmaids, the food, the list.” For what? How many of those attendees appreciate it?

Marriage is about you and that other person when it comes down to it. No one else. Perhaps if people put as much care and energy into their relationships as they do into a wedding more marriages would last longer and couples would be happier. Of course I am a firm believer in “to each his own,” so people can do whatever they want. All I know is that when I get married, the next day I will be on the beach and I will have a down payment on a home- not 25,000 in debt and a few toasters I don’t need.


Wuthering said...

i'm in complete agreement.

i come from a very simple background. with very simple people. my mom remarried under a beautiful gazebo in her yard. being simple saves everyone from a lot of unnecessary headaches.

it's exciting to hear you talk about marriage!!!

Jason Clinkscales said...

A few of my friends are getting hitched and I'm thrilled for them. But I pray that no one becomes a Bridezilla. I have way too much dirt on people and the wedding will turn into an episode of Maury if I am set off the slightest.

Anonymous said...

I don't either-- HATED IT!!!

No snaps whatsoever for all that ying yang...


oo ooo